Large scale evolutionary optimization using cooperative coevolution
CC (cooperative coevolution)
- steps:
- problem decomposition;
- subcomponent optimization;
- subcomponent coadaptation;
- citations: 6, 10, 11, 15, 16, 25;
DE (differential evolution)
- description, cited 1, 13, 18;
- benchmarks, cited 23;
- parameters, cited 3, 13, 28;
- adaptations, cited 20;
- operators:
- crossover:
- we must ensure that at least one element is changed (they select a random index and ensure that it is used in crossover);
- crossover:
NSDE (differential evolution with neighbourhood search)
- description, cited 17;
SaNSDE (self-adaptive NSDE)
- description, cited 26;
- benchmarks, cited 19;
for each cycle a new subcomponent permutation is chosen; the grouping structure changes dynamically;
the subcomponent weights are still applied; adaptive weighting for coadaptation among subcomponents after each cycle;
- definition of separable and non-separable problems cited from 19;
- combination between EACC-G and SaNSDE;
the same as DECC-G, but with
= 1;
- the same as DECC-G, but without weights;
- functions, cited 19, 27;
- competitors FEPCC (cited 6), DECC-O (cited 15);
- parameters:
: 100;
: 100;
- cycles: 50;
1: Self-adapting control parameters in differential evolution: a comparative study on numerical benchmark problems; J. Brest, S. Greiner, B. Boskovic, M. Mernik, V. Zumer; 2006;
3: A parameter study for differential evolution; R. Gamperle, S. D. Muller, P. Koumoutsakos; 2002;
6: Scaling up fast evolutionary programming with cooperative coevolution; Y. Liu, X. Yao, Q. Zhao, T. Higuchi; 2001;
10: A cooperative coevolutionary approach to function optimization; M. Potter, K. De Jong; 1994;
11: Cooperative coevolution: an architecture for evolving coadapted subcomponents; M. Potter, K. De Jong; 2000;
13: Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm for numerical optimization; A. K. Qin, P. N. Suganthan; 2005;
15: Cooperative co-evolutionary differential evolution for function optimization; Y. Shi, H. Teng, Z. Li; 2005;
16: A blended population approach to cooperative coevolution for decomposition of complex problems; D. Sofge, K. De Jong, A. Schultz; 2002;
18: Differential evolution -- a simple and efficient heuristic for global optimization over continuous spaces; R. Storn, K. Price; 1997;
19: Problem definitions and evaluation criteria for the CEC 2005 special session on real-parameter optimization; P. N. Suganthan, N. Hansen, J. J. Liang, K. Deb, Y. P. Chen, A. Auger, S. Tiwari; 2005;
20: DE/EDA: a new evolutionary algorithm for global optimization; J. Sun, Q. Zhang, E. Tsang; 2005;
23: A comparative study of differential evolution, particle swarm optimization, and evolutionary algorithms on numerical benchmark problems; J. Vesterstrom, R. Thomsen; 2004;
25: Differential evolution for high-dimensional function optimization; Z. Yang, K. Tang, X. Yao; 2007;
26: Self-adaptive differential evolution with neighborhood search; Z. Yang, K. Tang, X. Yao; 2008;
27: Evolutionary programming made faster; X. Yao, Y. Liu, G. Lin; 1999;
28: Critical values for the control parameters of differential evolution algorithms; D. Zaharie; 2002;