Building Blocks of Scalable Applications
- Author
- Scientific coordinator
- Institution
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics / West University of Timişoara
Road map
build an open source PaaS;
- identify the target applications;
- identify scalable architectures and patterns;
analyze application case studies;
analyze platform case studies;
- define requirements;
- design the platform;
- implement the platform;
convince others to use it;
- Web 2.0 / mobile applications;
DevOps / NoOps;
- interconnected applications;
social Internet / Slashdot effect;
- cloud computing;
contributing to the mOSAIC platform design;
- extending that design (described in the current work);
implementing part of the mOSAIC platform;
- online, 24/7 running;
modular, distributed;
- dynamically scalable;
- highly concurrent;
- fault tolerant;
- relying on the cloud;
affording some risks;
Applications -- Example architecture
Case studies
- applications:
- platforms:
(the most important ones)
- integration;
- automation;
- reusability;
- "bare metal" compatible;
Design -- Sub-systems
(the most important ones)
component hub;
- component controller;
- component harness;
credential service;
protocol gateways;
mOSAIC node + WUI;
- (equivalent to component controller, hub and harness)
- (showcase application)
Future work
- implement the component hub, controller and harness, according to the extended design;
- finalize, integrate and generalize the credentials service;
- integrate or implement the other sub-systems (scheduler, scaler, container controller, node controller);
- find a proper solution for monitoring and logging;
prototype the X.509-based sub-system authentication;
(phew! done...)
Any questions???