(MODAClouds) mOSAIC service deployment
Services deployment
Supervised (step-by-step) on mOSAIC
- starting services:
monitoring core (KB + MonMan + DDA + SDA-Weka + SDA-Matlab):
- metric explorer + importer:
- load-balancer controller + reasoner:
- miscellaneous:
- querying service endpoints:
- terminating services:
Supervised (batched) on mOSAIC
monitoring (KB + MonMan + DDA + SDA-Weka + SDA-Matlab + metric-explorer + metric-importer):
{ "knowledgebase" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:knowledgebase", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 11, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null }, "monitoring-dda" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:monitoring-dda", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 21, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null }, "monitoring-sda-matlab" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:monitoring-sda-matlab", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 22, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null }, "monitoring-sda-weka" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:monitoring-sda-weka", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 23, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null }, "monitoring-manager" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:monitoring-manager", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 24, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null }, "metric-explorer" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:metric-explorer", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 25, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null }, "metric-importer" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:metric-importer", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 26, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null } }
- load-balancer (controller + reasoner):
{ "load-balancer-controller" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:load-balancer-controller", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 21, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null }, "load-balancer-reasoner" : { "type" : "#modaclouds-components:load-balancer-reasoner", "configuration" : null, "count" : 1, "order" : 22, "delay" : 3000, "annotation" : null } }
mOSAIC debugging
current node log (download);
current node log (stream);
current node log (download);
current node log (stream);
mOS deployment
on Eucalyptus
name: mosaic-testing-cluster-v1.1-a;
VM image: emi-EE82A947; (mOS-2.0.0-220);
VM type: m2.xlarge;
key-pair: ...;
security group: mosaic-testing-cluster-v1.1-a:
allow ICMP Echo request from;
allow TCP ports 1-65535 from;
user-data: #!cluster:testing-20141115-7295:modaclouds-platform-core:bootstrap; replace testing-20141115-7295 with something unique (like the current date as the second token and some random number);
uncheck create scalling group;
name: mosaic-testing-cluster-v1.1-a;
launch configuration: mosaic-testing-cluster-v1.1-a;
min: 1, max: 4, desired: 2;
- tags:
environment: testing (check propagate);
owner: ... (check propagate);
membership: EC2;
grace period: 3600;
mOS debugging
via SSH
- connect with either:
ssh -i ... mos-operator@node-1.cluster-a.mos.vnet:
ssh -i ... root@node-1.cluster-a.mos.vnet + su - mos-operator;
- prepare environment:
. /opt/mos-node-tools/lib/profile-include.sh;
mos-packages install screen;
- update packages:
mos-packages update;