(mOSAIC) Configuration
- human readable / writable, ASCII based;
- easily parsable in most languages; (e.g. property files, INI, JSON, S-expressions, YAML, XML;)
- presenting a "certain" level of typing information (i.e. syntactically discerning between numbers, booleans, strings, etc); (e.g. JSON, S-expressions, YAML, maybe XML with XML Schema;)
- easily exposing / enforcing certain modeling constructs; (i.e. allowing to discern between properties of an entity, and properties of aggregated entities contained in a parent entity -- as in connector properties used in a cloudlet;) (e.g. XML with XML Schema;)
- self describable: (i.e. having only the configuration, and knowing the generic rules, being able to display / process given entities properties and aggregated entities;)
- composable / stacking options; (i.e. having a base ("default") configuration, and on-top layering a configuration specific to a certain "packaging" of the component, and on-top of than again layering a configuration specific to a certain component instance;)
- presenting "certain" level of "programmability" / "automatism"; (i.e. at least supporting variable definitions and replacement, could also include generative behaviour;)
There are three (and one supplementary) proposed languages -- all based on JSON (or JSON equivalent like YAML) thus called "formats":
- configuration data format; (i.e. the one used by components to configure themselves);
- configuration description format; (i.e. the one used by the developer / user to "configure" the component, and based on which a configuration data instance is generated);
- configuration schema format; (i.e. the one used by the developer to "define" and "constrain" the semantic of the final data;)
- configuration WUI schema format; (i.e. used to generate web user interfaces, for creating and manipulating configuration data;)
Configuration data format
BNF systax:
<property-identifier-component> ::= /^[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])$/ <property-identifier> ::= <property-identifier-component> ( "." <property-identifier-component> ) * <directive-identifier> ::= /^\@[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])$/ <configuration> ::= { "@schema" : { "version" : "1.0", } | "1.0", "@type" : "entity", <entity>, // i.e. inherit all members of <entity> } <entity> ::= { "@type" : "entity", <property-identifier> : <property-value> | <property-namespace>, ... } <property-namespace> ::= { "@type" : "namespace", <property-identifier> : <property-value> | <property-namespace>, ... } <property-value> ::= <entity> | <map> | <json-value> <map> ::= { "@type" : "map", <json-map-key> : <property-value>, ... } <json-value> ::= <json-atom> | <json-array> | <json-map> <json-atom> ::= <json-integer> | <json-real> | <json-string> | <json-boolean> | <json-null> <json-array> ::= [ <json-value>, ... ] <json-map> ::= { "@type" : "json", <json-map-nested>, } <json-map-nested> ::= { <json-map-key> : <json-value> | <json-map-nested>, ... } <json-map-key> ::= "" | /^[^@`].*$/ | /^\\[@`].*$/ <json-string> ::= "" | /^[^`].*$/ | /^\\^.*$/
- configuring a "composer" component, part of Gisheo application:
- configuration data:
{ "@type" : "entity", "@schema" : "1.0", "container" : { "@type" : "entity", "threads" : { "@type" : "namespace", "min" : 1, "max" : 4, "priority" : "high" }, "logging.levels" : { "@type" : "json", "" : "warning", "eu.mosaic.core" : "information", "eu.mosaic.connectors" : "warring" } }, "cloudlet" : { "@type" : "entity", "class" : "eu.gisheo.tiles.ComposerCloudlet", "configuration" : { "@type" : "entity", "algorithm" : "linear" }, "connectors" : { "@type" : "map", "store" : { "@type" : "entity", "type" : "kv", "driver.group" : "57892710-7d1b-4fd6-b757-3a2015d0f21d", "driver.timeout" : 60.0 }, "requests" : { "@type" : "entity", "type" : "mq", "driver" : { "@type" : "namespace", "group" : "6a930c3e-a622-4270-9631-dc8586c5f1b9", "timeout" : 60.0 } } } } }
- interpretation (entities with properties):
- the root, i.e. the whole component configuration:
container: a property bound to the entity representing a container; (the entity doesn't have a name;)
cloudlet: as above bound to an anonymous entity;
the anonymous container (bound to the container property of the root entity):
threads.min: 1;
threads.max: 4;
threads.priority: high;
logging.levels: an opaque JSON object {"":"warning", "eu.mosaic.core" : "information", "eu.mosaic.connectors" : "warning"} ;
the anonymous cloudlet (bound to the cloudlet property of the root entity):
class : eu.gisheo.tiles.ComposerCloudlet;
configuration: a special "configuration" entity specific to the cloudlet API and the given cloudlet;
connectors: a map of entities representing connector configurations;
the store connector (bound to the store key of the map bound to the connectors property of the cloudlet):
type: kv, i.e. the connector type, and not the configuration "node" type;
driver.group: ...;
driver.timeout: 60.0;
the requests connector (bound to the requests key of the map bound to the connectors property of the cloudlet):
type: mq, as in the case of store see the difference between the keys @type and type;
driver.group: ...;
driver.timeout: 60.0;
- the root, i.e. the whole component configuration:
- observations:
- see how properties can be hierarchical (or nested, or prefixed with namespaces) in two different ways:
writing the fully qualified name (i.e. driver.group) for each property;
or nesting them in an "@type" : "namespace" JSON object; (just like the namespace keyword in C++;)
- see how properties can be hierarchical (or nested, or prefixed with namespaces) in two different ways:
- configuration data:
Configuration description format
variable-identifier ::= /^\$[a-z0-9]([a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])$/