(mOSAIC) Trac
- there are three main parts:
Wiki -- describes the layout, guidelines, etc. about the wiki;
Project management -- covers the ticketing system and the resulting project management facilities;
Security -- how the security is organized (maybe this should be read first because it's referenced all over the place);
- maybe there should be two Trac instances: one for the open source code, and another one for the EU-FP project;
Bureaucracy (internal):
- here we store everything related to the project organization;
according to Wikipedia description: Bureaucracy is the combined organizational structure, procedures, protocols, and set of regulations in place to manage activity, usually in large organizations.
- here we store everything related to the project organization;
Releases (public):
- here we can store release notes, change logs or other relevant information about a particular release;
Members (public):
FirstnameLastname (identical to the user-name);
user-dependent, defined by each user (some content could be internal or private);
OrganizatInitials -- the initials of the organization but wikified (first letter is uppercase, next are lowercase) (ex. Ieat, Sun, etc.);
organization-dependent, defined by each organization (some content could be internal or private);
Publications (public):
PublicationInitials-Year (ex. Synasc-2010);
Documentation (public):
- this structure will be decided when we'll have any documentation to put here;
Cache (internal):
this page (or a small domain-clustered hierarchy) should contain references and downloadables of external papers (or presentations, etc.) relevant for our project; the name of the attachments should follow the following naming convention rule (for better usability): by taking the title of the paper, replacing all long dashes with a double underscore __, then replacing all spaces with single underscores _, and lowercasing everything; usually we should put here PDF's, or PS in worst case; because it will contain downloadable versions of external papers (to which we have no publication rights) this page will be readable only by Mosaic/Members and Mosaic/Students (thus the internal authorization level); no copyrighted material which is not available on the Internet (directly from the author or publisher) shall be stored here;
Project management
As a general rule everything that happens inside the project should happen as a consequence of a ticket issued in the Trac site.
Each Trac ticket has the following attributes:
contexts -- should be set only by Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students (with the following noted exceptions):
Milestone -- the release or EU commission report that should contain this task's outputs (see below for further details);
Component -- the module or deliverable that the ticket belongs to; (again see below;) (this could be set by the initial reporter, or changed afterward;)
Version -- the version of the module for which the ticket applies; (again see below;) (this also could be set by the initial reporter;)
Keywords -- additional categorization keywords; (we could build a database of most used keywords;) (we could use them as tags;)
task categorization -- should be set only by Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students :
Type -- evident; (see below for further details);
Status -- evident; (again see below;)
Resolution -- evident; (again see below;)
Priority -- evident; (again see below;)
involved persons -- should be set only by Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students :
Reporter -- automatically set by the Trac instance;
Assigned to / Owner -- the one that is responsible for doing or (if multiple persons are involved) overseeing the entire activity;
Summary and Description -- evident;
For more details please see the Trac documentation.
Trac knows about the following project management related entities (for further details see the Trac documentation):
milestones -- allows to group tasks in order to provide an estimate of the effort invested / remaining for a specific goal (release or review);
components -- like milestones, the components provide another axis for the effort estimation, by allowing tasks to be grouped by working item (deliverable, module, etc.);
versions -- applicable only for release related entities (like modules, etc.);
Reviews/MonthYear -- it shall group all tasks related with preparing for a particular EU commission review (by using components in place of deliverables we can asses the progress per review per deliverable (and thus per work package));
Releases/Version -- it group all tasks related to a particular code release;
Publications/PublicationInitials-Year -- if there are complex publications (involving multiple teams) we could define a milestone specifically for it;
Infrastructure/Trac -- Trac administration related tasks;
OrganizationInitials/CustomName -- custom work-items that are local to a particular organization;
if the modules are released in a bundled fashion (all modules are grouped and released together under the same version), we can use generic components like Modules/AmazonAgent and generic versions like Release/2.1.0, but if the modules are shipped individually we could either create new components for each new release (like Modules/AmazonAgent/2.1.0) or create versions specific to components (like Releases/AmazonAgent/2.1.0);
Ticket types
Stuff -- the default type, when the nature of the ticket is uncertain; set by anyone;
Defect -- evident; set only by Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students;
Enhancement -- evident; set only by Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students;
Task -- anything that has to be done and is not related with software;
Discussion -- this is not actually a ticket, but could be used to capture discussions about a certain topics (like RFC, enhancements proposals, etc.);
Ticket status
Opened -- set initially by the tool;
Pending -- after a responsible (Assigned to / Owner) is chosen and the ticket type is changed from Stuff; set only by Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students;
Closed -- when the task was finished; set only by Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students;
Reopened -- when the task solution is not accepted; set only by Mosaic/Members;
Ticket resolutions
Finalized -- initially in Trac this is called fixed, but because we shall use tickets also for tasks, it's better to say: I've finalized this task than I've "fixed" this task.
Aborted -- mainly for tasks that haven't been done; (in Trac the equivalent would be cantfix);
Rejected -- when the ticket won't be accomplished; (for example the reported bug can't be reproduced, or the enhancement request is not approved);
Invalid -- when the ticket makes no sense or is a duplicate of another one;
Ticket priorities
Normal -- the default choice;
Low -- set by anyone;
High -- set only by Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students;
Immediate -- something very urgent that needs to be done right away; set only by Mosaic/Members;
Ticket workflow
For a ticket from a Mosaic/Users or anonymous user is created with the following properties:
- contexts:
Milestone -- none;
Component -- set accordingly;
Version -- set accordingly;
Keywords -- not set;
- task categorization:
Type -- set to either Stuff or Discussion;
Status -- Opened;
Resolution -- none;
Priority -- Normal;
- involved persons:
Reporter -- automatically set by the Trac instance;
Assigned to / Owner -- none;
Summary and Description -- set accordingly;
A ticket from a Mosaic/Members or Mosaic/Students user all the properties are set accordingly, but with the following state transition rules:
for a Stuff ticket type:
from Opened state it can only change it's type to either Defect, Enhancement, Task or Discussion;
for a Defect, Enhancement or Task ticket type:
from status Opened or Reopened it can transition only to:
to Pending state after the Milestone, Assigned to / Owner, and other properties have been set;
to Closed state but with a resolution of Finalized, Rejected or Invalid;
from status Pending it can transition only to:
to Closed state but with a resolution of Finalized, Aborted, Rejected, or Invalid;
from status Closed it can transition only to:
to Reopened without any further updates;
to Pending state after the Milestone, Assigned to / Owner have been updated;
for a Discussion ticket type:
from status Opened or Reopened it can transition only to:
Closed state but with a resolution of Finalized;
from status Closed:
to Reopened state;
User roles
The following user categories are taken into account for the Trac site:
Mosaic/Members -- all the official members involved in the project, which will have full access to all content;
Mosaic/Students -- all the students (or other persons) temporarily involved in the project, which would have read-write access to most of the content (including internal), but could be restricted for highly sensitive content (no such content identified yet);
Mosaic/Guests -- catch-all group for persons which need more access than normal un-authenticated (anonymous) Internet users; usually these will have read-only access to some internal content (maybe the same as Mosaic/Students);
Trac/Admins -- persons which are involved in the Trac instance management;
- anonymous -- any un-authenticated Internet user; usually these will have read-only access to public content;
Mosaic/Users -- created for the purpose of (maybe) controlling access to the ticketing system to only authenticated users; (if we let anonymous people put tickets then we don't need this group);
User accounts
anyone can apply for an account (by simply accessing the Register page from the Trac site);
- the user is required to provide a valid email address (which is going to be validated automatically by the Trac instance);
the user name should respect the following CamelCase pattern: FirstnameLastname (ex. CiprianCraciun, MarianNeagul, etc.);
after the application one of the Trac/Admins members will have to approve the creation and add the user to the appropriate user groups;
In general the content should fall in one of the following levels:
private -- only Mosaic/Members are granted read-write access to this content;
internal -- only Mosaic/Members and Mosaic/Students are granted read-write access to this content, and Mosaic/Guests are granted read-only access;
public -- freely accessible content by anyone on the Internet;
Unfortunately the authorization levels should be coupled with the Trac layout hierarchy (especially for wiki pages);