
Query Processing for Sensor Networks


Query Processing in Sensor Networks

QueryAgent: A General Query Processing Tool for Sensor Networks


Design and Implementation of a Framework for Efficient and Programmable Sensor Networks

Querying and Tasking in Sensor Networks


Sensor Information Networking Architecture and Applications

A Lightweight Sensor Network Management System Design


Computing Aggregates for Monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks

Emstar: A Software Environment for Developing and Deploying Heterogeneous Sensor-Actuator Networks

Fjording the Stream: An Architecture for Queries over Streaming Sensor Data

Programming Models for Sensor Networks: A Survey

SSI Protocol Specification


ZigBee Specification

Service Oriented Sensor Web

SensorGrid: Integrating Sensor Networks and Grid Computing

Open Sensor Web Architecture: Core Services

Using SensorML to describe a Complete Weather Station

SensorML for Grid Sensor Networks

Creation of Specific SensorML Process Models

OpenGIS Sensor Model Language (SensorML) Implementation Specification

An Adaptive Communication Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks



Embedded Web Services --- Making Sense out of Diverse Sensors (may 2007):

EtherNet/IP --- An Application-Layer Protocol for Industrial Automation (may 2003):

IEEE-1451.2 Update (january 2000):

JSR 256: Mobile Sensor API: