SensorML --- OGC web-site;
SensorML --- VAST web-site;
SensorML --- SourceForge web-site;
A Sensor Model Language --- Moving Sensor Data onto the Internet;
- the most simple processing element;
- it has exactly one input (usually a phenomenon) and exactly one output (usually a scalar value);
- it enables to describe measurement parameters:
- calibration curve;
- random error curve;
- spectral response curve;
- impulse response curve;
- spatial response curve;
- temporal response curve;
- references:
- it can contain multiple subsystems (usually detectors), and it can have several inputs and several outputs;
- it also describes the way in which the inputs and outputs (of the system and the subsystems) are linked together;
- references:
Input and output
- characterized by a name, definition (as an URN) and unit of measure (as an URN);
the following examples were taken from (2);
<inputs> <InputList> <input name="temperature"> <swe:Quantity definition="urn:ogc:def:phenomenon:temperature" uom="urn:ogc:def:unit:celsius"/> </input> </InputList> </inputs>
<outputs> <OutputList> <output name="measuredTemperature"> <swe:Quantity definition="urn:ogc:def:phenomenon:temperature" uom="urn:ogc:def:unit:celsius"/> </output> </OutputList> </outputs>
Sensor and measurement system
- specific kind of systems, that represent either complete systems, or full sensor or a full sampling system;
- for measurement systems it provides:
- component structure;
- position (location and orientation);
- technical characteristics (meta information);
- references:
Process model and chain
- process model --- an atomic processing block, with a clearly defined interface (process method).
- process chain --- a chain of process models or chains.
- references:
(1) (section II.C. and III. entirely);